Hey! You prob found this page by accident. If you didnt and i told u abt it, that means i trust you. this is my little corner of the internet, away from prying eyes and the gaze of the layman. i dont rlly know what to do here but i might make this a diary.

I did it! notmyabt.com is officially part of the world wide web. its truly a sight to behold. me, an owner of the internet? what a crazy concept. I wonder if ill update this page in the future...

what if there was a camera that instead of taking multiple photos, it just took one that printed on the back of the camera and stayed there.

today we went to chelsea piers, it was fun and i did some cool flips. i made people laugh and i felt like tyler the creator becuase everyone liked me and followed my lead :]

went for dinner last night, the guy gave me an ice cream for free! it was super yummy and i will def get that next time i go there

Im pretty sure someone flirted with me and i ignored it ... oh well, life goes on!

Last night was awesome. i went to the moma and after that i met up with a friend who i, honestly, have mixed feeling about. but she started holding my arm while we were walking, but shes a phisical person by nature, so it might have been nothing ultimately. (edit: it was nothing.)

i dont think i should talk to b anymore. i dont know why but i feel as if im entitled for her to be loyal to me even though we arent dating. things arent really going well in my head. its just making me feel very angry and powerless.

Just had a super good week off. me and a buddy had a cigar it was super swag

had a fun weekend, was blasted off the coochang

just posted my video to my instagram! wake up tokyo-to! proud of my work, but the g looks kinda weird...

holy heck i just sold my first piece of art last night at the art show!! it was a mosaic of a smiley face and i asked that the money be put towards alzheimers research. $51.50! WOW

golf on the nes is so fun 

just found out a friend of mine left the school. really bummed to hear that. i'll miss her.

a girl just dm'd me. woah. im not gonna lie im kinda paralyzed with fear lol

im getting high way more often, kinda concerning.

Happy birthday lia!!!!


school has been over for a couple weeks. me and a friend have been beefing for a sec becuase hes kinda a dick

i went onto an empty stage at woodstock and some other guy shredded air guitar with me

BOOM! stickers ordered!

realizing that i made my website to be viewed on computers but i made qr codes that are scanned with phones

i just had to get rid of the internet explorer gif. takes too long to load on phone, and was ugly. i put my first 2 stickers up yesterday!

WOAH just checked my web stats, turns out i got 3 WHOLE VISITORS!!! i tottally forgot about the new golf shoe drop and missed them tho :[

its 11:34 pm right now. travis scott is going to release his new album "utopia" in less than half an hour. im not going to listen to it. im going to listen to stickerbush symphony for an hour and play gmod. im realizing that im going to turn 18 soon. time is a very scary concept. only going forward and never going back. love the people who care about you.

nvm i talked to lia all night its 1 am utopia was awesome

Birthday was 2 days ago. super fun. i got a PS5 and my buddy surprised me by coming over. after that we went to a little "party" afterwards.  however i just found out that google sites is going to be bought by squarespace... sure hope they dont put a watermark at the bottom of the page :

Been a while, today's the first full day of my senior year!! very cool and based. 

its been a couple of weeks, the drake album just came out, pretty cool stuff as far as ive listened. kinda stressed out about college and if my passion for graphic design might die out or i may not be as good as i thought i was. :33

since the bank account i bought this domain for doesnt exist anymore and the one-year lease of notmyabt.com is ending soon, i need to find out how to renew my ownership, and it doesnt help that google sites got bought by squarespace, so idek what thats about.....

gonna start trying harder in school, just watched the documentry on boogie, the youtuber.

been trying to talk to b lately, im realizing more and more how me cutting contact with her did more damage than harm... i was selfish.

ok so good news, b wants to be friendly again!! we are so back, theres no way this could possibly end up hurting both of us in the long term!! im probably gonna give her the link to the diary, so here it is!!! the super ultra mega secret diary that ive been writing in whenever i remember it exists. i was serious when i said it wasnt new loll

my spotify wrapped sucks lol, its just last years

seasonal depression is gonna hit me like a truck this year, i can feel it.

i found a new album. its called "i'll be okay" and its by sign crushes motorist. my favorite song on the album is called "loser monologue". you should go listen to it, it conveys how i feel pretty well. this winter is gonna suck.

just added a new view called "woods". if its still there, go check it out!

i made a new friend today! his name is iroquois pliskin and i made him!!!! hes a sock baby and now full-time friend of mine.



i called him a second time and asked him abt vaporwave. he said he liked a couple of songs but wouldnt go out of his way to listen to any.

stressing about college while not doing anything to help my situation.

my friend said he got tickets for me and him to go to the travis scott concert in MSG, turns out he's going with my ex and company. i didnt expect him to follow through on the tickets anyway. going to DC tomorrow, hopefully i get some good photos. on a side note, lately ive been feeling as if i dont have a voice. its not a good feeling, but hopefully future me reads this in a month or two and chuckles at this :]

dc is starting off strong! i was sitting next to a homeless guy for an hour on the train there. ngl it was kinda nice having someone look at my art and watch me make it, but he reeked of shit so i moved :[

im extremly frustrated at the fact that some 16 year old is able to express herself when i feel like if i were to dress the way i want to i wouldnt feel comfortable with people seeing me. i also havent gotten an outfit in prob a year, life feels stale and i fucking hate it.

i took the "loving machine" photo 2 days ago, and i gave her the polaroid today. iasmin was angry because apparently she asked for it but i guess i never heard her bc all i heard was mariah asking... o well!! X3        I do have a lot of work to do tho... yikes

updated the site and added a photography page! i think its pretty neat but i need to crop the photos..

my mom texted me a whole thing on how im not going to college and how dissapointed she is at me. it sucks because i have noone to reach out to. niko wont care, my mom hates me, and my dad is emotionally unavailable. shame.

Ive been really stressed out by the idea of not making it into any colleges, but ive been given a blessing in the form of a suny application that i thought i missed the deadline for. if suny doesnt accept me, what a cruel fate it will be.

ok quick update, i got into MCAD and im still waiting for a bunch of others. really wishing for Purchace.

almost august now, sorry for the gap. purchace was bust, so i'm going to montclair. my roomie seems pretty chill so i'm very excited to see how college goes!! the only thing im concerned about is the workload. im afraid what i was used to at ECDS will be dwarfed in comparison to college work. i'll prob update this website every once in a while.

moving out to my dorm in a few days, super excited to move in & set everything up, but still concerned with the same point above. Here goes nothing I guess.